Is pokemon running out of ideas???

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OPcosmog15 11 months ago

So, I was thingking the other day, and I noticed that some pokemon looked like other pokemon, ex. scream tail, jigglypuff,and had interesting names, like... Brute bonnet?

let me know what you think.

Adamantite 10 months ago

I think it could be purposeful or they are running out of ideas. It could be purposeful because that was kind of what they did with Scarlet and violet, they made like a past and a future version of stuff if I'm correct. Like great tusk I personally think was them doing the past version of donphan and iron treads the future and maybe those other cards were meant to bring us to that conclusion but that brings me to toedscool which I am confused about. It kind of makes me think that they did that because they are running out of ideas. That whole past and future. Plus that wouldn't explain toedscool. And toedscruel if I got the names right.

cahill 8 months ago

Yea, my son had to explain this one to me. Scarlet and violet line are past and future Pokemon with a double word name like those your describe that are similar to a present Pokemon. There are inconsistencies. Blame the lazy past and future humans :D
