Deck Ideas

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OPHere_4_Fun 2 years ago - Edited: 2 years ago

I am just looking for a few suggestions for decks to try and put my own spin on.


Got any ideas?

Egi 2 years ago

Team Magma or Team Aqua

BananaMan999 2 years ago

Depends on what you're looking for. A meta deck, or a rogue deck?

CharmTcg 2 years ago

You can look at my deck lists if you want :) I made some Budget to semi-expensive decks.

Adamantite 11 months ago

Budget to semi expensive? Does that mean 15-150$ or like my decks 5-1500$?

car0t 11 months ago

I tried to make this shining genesect dect, search up "Shining Genesect Take 1" or something. You could probably make some changes to it, since it is my first deck and not that good. The total cost is like 57 dollars, but it's mainly from the Shining Genesects, they're pretty expensive. The rest of the cards you probably have half of them.

Adamantite 11 months ago

wow I thought shining genesects were way more expensive.. Maybe I was thinking of something else.
