The new ACE SPECS were kinda underwhelming.

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OPMEW064 1 month ago

People said "Oh ITs GOnNa BReaK tHe gAME" and then they either don't use them or just play Hero's Cape. I hope we get some new ACE SPECS in the future that can live up to being as great as the B&W ones.

Eminginjo 1 month ago

scoop up cyclone is getting a reprint, that would be good

AlphaNova 1 month ago

We are getting things that are either reprints of (Master Ball and Scoop Up Cyclone) or similar to (Legacy Energy) older ACE SPEC cards, not to mention around 50% or more of competitive Standard decks are running Prime Catcher. Unfortunately, not every new card is going to be just like the B&W cards, but at the same time, I think we just need to accept that they're never going to print anything as powerful as Computer Search or Dowsing Machine ever again, for the sake of game balance.

OPMEW064 1 month ago

We are getting things that are either reprints of (Master Ball and Scoop Up Cyclone) or similar to (Legacy Energy) older ACE SPEC cards, not to mention around 50% or more of competitive Standard decks are running Prime Catcher. Unfortunately, not every new card is going to be just like the B&W cards, but at the same time, I think we just need to accept that they're never going to print anything as powerful as Computer Search or Dowsing Machine ever again, for the sake of game balance...

yeah i can agree to that.

MASTERMajora 1 month ago

I don't think the ACE SPECS were ever supposed to 'break the game,' as you said. They're good enough that each deck should always have one in it, but they're not broken by any means. I think Prime Catcher is really good, what with it being an Item version of Guzma. And you can use Arven to grab it whenever, so that's pretty cool.

As the others said, a reprint of Scoop Up Cyclone is coming. I loved that card back in the day, but I'm worried it's going to be super annoying with stuff liek Charizard ex. So maybe that one will be broken. Only time will tell!

Iplaylostbox 1 week ago

I feel like the old ACE SPEC cards are better.

At least scoop up Cyclone is getting a reprint
