A Double Turbo Energy Problem

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OPEminginjo 3 months ago

Ok everyone, I have problems for the Double Turbo Energy (Brilliant Stars) 

1. Ok lets say you got a pokemon with a retreat cost of 1 energy, if I only had a double turbo energy attached, do I have to discard the whole thing?

2. Lets put an example card up: Radiant Greninja (Astral Radiance) okay lets say I got a double turbo energy attached and a water energy, lets say I use Moonlight Shuriken, Do I have to apply the -20 damage? Cuz it is in the description of the card, not on the right

And yes, I can just test it myself on pokemon tcg live, but I don't have it, I'll probably play it in the middle of May, so can you test it out? thx

AlexisPowers 3 months ago
  1. Double Turbo Energy (Brilliant Stars) and Retreat Cost:

    • Yes, if you have a Pokémon with a retreat cost of 1 energy and only a Double Turbo Energy attached, you would have to discard the entire Double Turbo Energy to retreat. Double Turbo Energy provides two colorless energy, but it must be discarded if used to fulfill a retreat cost.
  2. Radiant Greninja (Astral Radiance) and Moonlight Shuriken:

    • The -20 damage reduction specified in the card's attack description applies to the total damage dealt by Moonlight Shuriken. So, if you have a Double Turbo Energy and a Water Energy attached to Radiant Greninja, you would indeed have to apply the -20 damage reduction when calculating the total damage for Moonlight Shuriken.
  3. Regards : namecombiner.info
OPEminginjo 3 months ago

ok nice great

OPEminginjo 2 months ago

Look great! I like this.

eggy car

eggy car?
