How can ADP/Dragonite beat a Mew VMAX deck

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OProccy86 1 year ago

I run ADP?Dragonite but lost to a Mew VMAX deck and I want to know how to counter it. What are Mew's weaknesses and how can I exploit them

Pokémon Pro 1 year ago

Hello @roccy86,

i have seen your deck and I would play path to the peak then his genesect v have no ability's. 
Have a nice day :)

OProccy86 1 year ago

Thanks appreciate it

Octowen 1 year ago

Yeah, you won't be able to use Big Match, Dance of the Ancients, or Thunderclap Zone if you have Path to the Peak in play, but as your deck seems like it doesn't use those abilities right away, you could try to get Path into play on turn 1 to stifle Fusion Strike System and then replace it with Stormy Mountains once you need Big Match, Dance of the Ancients, or Thunderclap Zone.
