having Trouble Updating/Editing a Deck

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OPwiedemnm 2 years ago

When attempting to make edits to a deck daved from my profile, I am getting a warning saying the deck must have 60 cards. I double check and the card count at the top of the page shows 60/60. This only started happening after the recent change to where the list view is now available. If I open the deck to edit and make no changes, it allows me to hit update and move on. Any advice if something on my end is causing this?

User Premium
Genesis 2 years ago

Thanks for the report! Investigating this at the moment! 

User Premium
Genesis 2 years ago

Fixed! Very small nuanced issue with some lines of code. 

For those interested, I was grabbing the quantity of cards from a HTML data attribute using jQuery. This was being done by using .data in jQuery. Little did I know .data gets cached. So if the deck loaded in with 12 of the same energy then this was cached. If you removed 11 of those energy it would still read as having 12. Swapping over to .attr instead of .data fixed this issue.

Thanks for reporting! 

OPwiedemnm 2 years ago

Thanks for the quick fix! I am able to update decks now.
