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OPGym Leader Autumn 2 years ago

Its in the name fight other players with a deck!

User Premium
Genesis 2 years ago

Heya. I don't think this would be possible to implement on the site without probably a years+ of work to make a custom simulator. On top of that, the Pokémon Company would probably look very poorly on such a feature and would more than likely take it down/send a cease and desist. 

OPGym Leader Autumn 2 years ago

good point

IvloOk 2 years ago

Heya. I don't think this would be possible to implement on the site without probably a years+ of work to make a custom simulator. On top of that, the Pokémon Company would probably look very poorly on such a feature and would more than likely take it down/send a cease and desist. 

You could add an option to export decklist in the format which is supported by Untap!  It uses generation & set number, instead of the set code & card number used by PTCGO.  

For example, Dragonite from Team Up:

- PTCGO format = {qty} Dragonite TEU 119
- Untap format = {qty} Dragonite (sm9)
