Gyarados Stormfront / dp7-19
- Type Pokémon
- Form Stage 1
- Typings
- HP 130
- Weakness
- Resistance
- Retreat
- Artist Midori Harada
- Release Date 2008-11-01
Tail Revenge: 30 ![](https://images.pokemoncard.io/images/assets/types/.webp)
Does 30 damage times the number of Magikarp in your discard pile.
Wreak Havoc: 40 ![](https://images.pokemoncard.io/images/assets/types/Water.webp)
Flip a coin until you get tails. For each heads, discard the top card from your opponent's deck.
Dragon Beat: 100 ![](https://images.pokemoncard.io/images/assets/types/Water.webp)
Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy card from each of your opponent's Pokémon.
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