Palafin ex Box Revealed Featuring New Palafin ex Card! Will Palafin ex be the new BDIF?

Some stores including Best Buy just recently listed a new product that will feature Palafin ex. You will also get other promo cards which are Palafin and Finizen alongside it with several booster packs. This box will be priced at $21.99 and will be released on June 21, 2024.


Here are the details for the Palafin ex Box:

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From Zero to Hero!

When all seems lost in battle, call on a hero to save the day! With its Zero to Hero Ability, Palafin can make a stunning transformation into the powerful Palafin ex, ready to pummel opponents with the might of an ocean wave. In this box, you’ll find Finizen, Palafin, and Palafin ex as playable foil cards, plus an oversize version of Palafin ex for display and a handful of booster packs with more cards inside.


The Pokemon TCG: Palafin ex Box includes:

  • 1 foil promo card featuring Palafin ex.

  • 2 foil cards featuring Finizen and Palafin.

  • 1 oversize foil card featuring Palafin ex.

  • 4 Pokémon TCG booster packs.

  • A code card for Pokémon TCG Live.




There are no clear images for the English cards so I will use the Japanese cards.

Palafin ex

Ability - Hero’s Spirit

Put this Pokémon into play only with the effect of Palafin’s Zero to Hero Ability.


W - Giga Impact 250

During your next turn, this Pokémon can’t attack.



Ability - Zero to Hero

Once during your turn, when this Pokémon moves from the Active Spot to the Bench, you may search your deck for Palafin ex and switch it with this Pokémon. Any attached cards, damage counters, Special Conditions, turns in play, and any other effects remain on the new Pokémon. If you switched a Pokémon in this way, shuffle this card into your deck.


W - Splash 30



W - Aqua Slash 30

During your next turn, this Pokémon can’t attack.


You can preorder them on Best Buy by clicking here:

Pokémon - Trading Card Game: Palafin ex Box


What do you guys think of this box? I think this can be a great buy if Palafin ex turns out to be a BDIF. But I think we will have to wait and see once the card is released in Japan.


Comment down below to share your thoughts!


Life is too short to be anything but happy! - Arelios


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