Multiple Water-Type Pokemon Appear in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet! Blub blub blub...

Image Source: Official Website of Pokemon Scarlet & Violet News


Pokemon has organised multiple mass outbreaks in the Paldea region starting from Friday, June 7, 2024, at 00:00 UTC to Sunday, June 9, 2024, at 23:59 UTC. There will be mass outbreaks of Finizen in the Paldea Region while there will be mass outbreaks of Lotad throughout the land of Kitakami. There will also be mass outbreaks of Horsea in the Terarium at Blueberry Academy. During this event, all of these Pokemon will likely have the Kindly Mark.


For those who don’t know, mass outbreaks are a phenomenon in which many of the same species of Pokémon appear in one location. During limited-time mass outbreak events, certain Pokémon will become more likely to appear.


For more information about the Tera Raid Battle, you can check here:

Catch Boatloads of Water Types!


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