Detective Pikachu Promo Card Revealed! What a cute artwork!

Detective Pikachu Promo Card was revealed on the official Japanese website of Pokemon Japan. This card will be available for people who pre-order The Return of Detective Pikachu in Japan and only in physical form not digital form. It is still unknown whether we will get this card in English or not as this kind of promo card is usually only Japan-exclusive so you may not be getting this card in English.


Here is the detail of this card:
If you are on a PC, you can try to Right-Click the Image and choose 'Open Image in New Tab' for the bigger picture.
If you are on Smartphone, you can hold the picture and choose 'Preview Picture’

Detective Pikachu

C - Thorough Investigation

Flip a coin until you get tails. For each heads, draw a card.


CCC - Ride Dash 50

What do you guys think of this Promo Card? I really hope we get this card overseas as I think it can be a very great collection because the artwork is so good!


Comment down below to share your thoughts!


Life is too short to be anything but happy! - Arelios

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