Using Dusclops on your first turn multiple times can win.
Donk Strategy.
Try to go second if you can. First is okay if you can manage. Immediately set up the Duskull (Cosmic Eclipse) . Then with the duskull's ability Spiritborne Evolution, you can evolve to Dusclops (Shrouded Fable) Then you use mutiple Dusclops to deal 50 damage. In the first turn it is very likely to win since they only have drawn 7 cards and they would most likely put down 1 or 2 pokemon.
After the turn and it doesn't work.
If you don't make it in the first turn, try to get the Bloodmoon Ursaluna, then put a double turbo energy on it, knock out left over opposing pokemon to finish the game. Kricketune V is used for tanking and collecting cards. It will only be used in the start if you have a bad draw. The Bibarels are used for drawing cards. Once you've got ultra balls, nest balls etc. You can look for the duskulls. Then you can start to evolve the duskulls into dusclops and do damage.
If that doesn’t work, the next turn just keep trying to fish out the dusclops and duskulls with the rescue stretcher or Super rod then repeat doing damage with the dusclops.
Also this deck can be annoying to others and just warning, others won't have that much fun against you playing this deck.
Enjoy! 😉