Mew ex = mew ex from pokemon 151 - free retreat, 3 colorless energy attack which copies the enemy active attack, ability that lets you draw until 3.
zadpos ex = zapdos ex from pokemon 151 - 1 lightning 2 colorless attack 120 + 90 to a benched pokemon that has any damage counters on it, ability gives it free retreat if there are any basic lightning energy on the zapdos ex.
triple acceleration energy = reversal energy from paldea evolved, provides 3 rainbow energy to an evolved non rule box when behind on prize cards.
2 roxanne = 2 iono from paldea evolved - both players shuffle to the bottom of their deck and then draw for each prize.
Deck includes mew ex which are now our second main attacker and our draw engine. Miraidon and raikou are our main attacker, essentially they are the same pokemon trying to do 220 damage but one is better for playing against single prize decks.
opted out of the standard electricity generator card engine to get cram-o-matic since this works well with the mews ability to make your hand size smaller letting you draw more pieces. I have played many games of lightning decks with generator vs anything thats not lost box and won without hitting a single energy off the generator because flaaffy is very good by itself.
Mew ex is our second main attacker because we will be trying to boss orders up a radiant greninja vs lost box or giratina vstar/any pokemon that deals the same or more damage than their hp, in order to take favourable prize trades. Having mew also gives almost unlimited options because your opponents pokemon are now potentially your own attack options. you can also steal v star attacks provided that they are not abilities, Want to take a dialga vstar attack before they even have the required energy? zeraora vstar attack? go for it.
Zapdos ex is there to fix the math on larger targets when you're only hitting vstar vmax and ex 280-310 hp pokemon for 220 damage. Zapdos lets you come in and finish them off on the bench whilst doing some respectable damage to the active pokemon. This also works fine into lost box if you cant pull off mew stealing radiant greninja attack, just put down a hawlucha and zadpos attack for 2 prize cards. Cologne if they have a manaphy, you can save up a forest stone on one of your pokemon, use a boss on manaphy, forest stone for cologne and then kill manaphy and a comfey/sableye for two prizes pretty easily.
Having a hard time against bigger pokemon that don't hit too much damage like mew vmax, making your mew ex useless at copying their attack? no problem, 3 stadium cards in the deck to bump their path to the peak, get down a lumineon, lumineon search for raihan, use miriadon ex to pull out raichu v, raihan onto raichu v, search for either sky seal stone to take 4 prizes off mew vmax or take reversal energy and attatch it to flaaffy, use flaaffy to put energy onto raichu v, you now have 5 energy attatched in one turn to kill anything under 300 hp.
two switching items and 2 beach court to help you get out of the active spot, 3 stadiums to bump path to the peak to help with mew ex' greninja lumineon and miraidon ability
collapsed stadium to help against lost box/gardevoir but also lets you put lumineon/hawlucha into the bin to use later with a super rod.
Iono are there to help you refresh your hand when you don't want to discard important pieces. Late game when you have less prize cards left iono is even better because it lets you have a small hand size for your mew ex's to let you draw more.
will have to see how it goes,
IF there were better supporter cards for helping you get specific pieces out of the deck i would rather have those instead of cram o matic's, like peony maybe.
Peony lets you dump your hand and search for 2 specific cards, mew lets you fix the hand back to 3, so you could use those 2 cards you need and then fill your hand with 3 new cards again.
all ideas and yet to be tested, the cards aren't even out yet and will have to see if there are anything better to make lighning decks stronger.