350+ Damage every turn.
Mewtwo EX and Lapras EX partner together for an overwhelming tag team match. Set up and ready after turn 2, Your opponent will have very little time before you start punching holes in their front line.
Alternate Deck build: Switch out the following
2x Big Charm => or => 2x Rescue Board
2x Lake Acuity => or => 2x Beach Court => or => 2x Festival Grounds
Start Preference: Second turn start
Pre Game Tip:
Do not play more than 1 Terapagos opening hand.
This Deck has a 2 turn set up before its fully ready to go, but dont worry it was built to have everything you need in your first turn.
First Turn Goal:
1 When going second ; Use Call Bell (Surging Sparks) If you do not have 1x Arven in your hand, find Arven, otherwise find Bosses Orders.
2 Play Arven (Obsidian Flames) serching for Precious Trolley and your tool card.
3 Play Precious Trolley (Surging Sparks) , Fill in your bench until you have the following pokemon in play:
1x Latias EX , 2x Lapras ex, 1x Terapagos, 2x Mewtwo EX
4. If Terapagos (Surging Sparks) is not your active Pokemon retreat back and make it your new active Pokemon. Retreat cost is 0 while Latias ex (Surging Sparks) is in play.
5. Attach an energy (preferably a Psychic) and use Terapagos first attack "Prism Charge" looking for Metal, Water and Psychic energys and attaching them to Lapras ex (Stellar Crown)
Second Turn:
- If your opponent KO'd your Active pokemon last turn, Make the Lapras ex (Stellar Crown) with energy attached your new Active Pokemon
Otherwise Retreat and make the Lapras EX with energy attached your Active Pokemon and use its Attack "Larimar Rain" attaching any energy you find in the following manner.
- If you feel Lapras EX wont be KOd before your next turn, do the following:
Give both your Mewtwo ex (Paradox Rift) 2 Psychic energy each, place the rest on your Active Lapras EX
- If you feel Lapras EX WILL be KOd before your next turn do the following:
Give both your Mewtwo EX 2 Psychic energy each, place the rest on your benched Lapras EX
Third turn and the rest of the game:
You are set and ready to play offense now, heres a few things to consider while you play your turns.
Mewtwo EX becomes more powerful with more Psychic energy in play, These energy do not have to be attached Mewtwo, Attach only 2 energy.
Lapras EX becomes more powerful the more energy is attached to Lapras, Attach all extra energy to Lapras, no more than 10.
Lapras holds your energy reserve, Keep Lapras EX on the bench if possible.
Focus on damage ! Use Mewtwo EX "Photon Kenesis" and Lapras EX "Power Splash" Every time possible.
Play as aggressivly as possible, Use Boss's Orders (Rebel Clash) Focus on 1 hit KOs on Key Pokemon.
Keeping Psychic energy on the board will be the key to your damage output, try to have a pokemon on the bench holding your hoard of extra energy preferably a Lapras. When you play your energy per turn attach them to Lapras. If one of your Lapras has 10 Energy start building up the other Lapras.
DO NOT DECK OUT ! You only need 2 energy on your mewtwo cards and no more then 10 energy on your Lapras, If you find yourself using Lapras "Larimar Rain" attack more than once, only pull the energy you need, You do not have to attach all energy found and for the integrety of your deck sometimes its better just to attach Psychic energys.