Zapdos ex Special Art Rare Officially Revealed from SV2a ‘Pokemon Card 151’! Will there be Articuno and Moltres Art Rare cards?


Pokemon officially revealed Zapdos ex Special Art Rare as part of the upcoming SV2a ‘Pokemon Card This set will be released in Japan on June 16, 2023, with 165 cards in the set before Art Rare, Super Art Rare, etc. and will cost 290 yen per booster pack but with 7 cards inside


With the release of this set, Pokémon debuted several new Pokémon ex, including Mew ex, Alakazam ex, and the original Kanto starters, Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. Additionally, as each card number corresponds to their Pokedex number, we will likely see every Generation 1 Pokémon here.


Here are the details for each card that has been revealed today:

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Zapdos ex

Ability - Bolt Float

If this Pokémon has any Lightning Energy attached, it has no Retreat Cost.


LLL - Multi Lightning Shot 120

This attack also does 90 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon that has any damage counters on it. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.)

What do you guys think of this card? This set will be so much fun to pull and I can’t wait for this set to release. I also hope we get to have all of Kanto Starters Art Rare and Special Art Rare cards because that may be a very hard thing to miss for collectors. 


You can also see the other revealed cards of SV2a ‘Pokemon Card 151’ here:


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