Full-Art Judge and Gholdengo Evoline Revealed from SV4a ‘Shiny Treasure ex’! Another Full-Art Judge revealed!


Pokemon Card Game Japan revealed a Full-Art Judge and Gholdengo evolution line from their upcoming Sv4a ‘Shiny Treasure ex’ set. This is their annual high-class pack so you may want to pre-order it quickly because it may go up in prices! In this set, Pokemon reintroduced Shiny Pokemon and so far, all of the Paldean starters' evolution lines already have their Shiny artwork revealed and Charizard ex from ‘Ruler of the Black Flame’. This set will be released on December 1, 2023, with a price tag of 550 yen/booster pack where you will get 10 cards inside.


Here is the detail of the newly revealed cards:

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Cards Revealed:



Each player shuffles their hand into their deck and draws 4 cards.


C - Raining Riches

Attach any number of Basic Metal Energy from your hand to your Pokémon in any way you like.


MCC - Luxurious Surfing 80x

Flip a coin for each Metal Energy attached to this Pokémon. This attack does 80 damage for each heads.


C - Coffer Camouflage

Flip a coin, if heads prevent all effects and damage done to this Pokémon from your opponent's Pokémon's attacks.


C - Bump 10

What do you guys think of these cards? It's another Full-Art Judge and I think this one is by far the best in my opinion. I really hope we get to see a Special Art Rare of Judge in this series because it may be a great card to have since this card is still playable at some point.


Also, see the other SV4a 'Shiny Treasure ex' cards here:


Comment down below to share your thoughts!


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